It is well known that the cost of food has climbed significantly in recent months along with the price of cooking gas, making life difficult for a large number of people. For the typical Nigerian household, cooking gas has turned into a luxury good. Bravo if you still have the means to fill yours to the brim! You don't come across people who can easily and comfortably fill up their gas cylinders every day. Every residence is frantically looking for ways to adapt to this change and extend the gas supply. On a more positive side, we have developed useful advice that will lessen how frequently you visit the petrol station. We have heard the word "savings" so frequently that we are accustomed to it. Many things can be saved, but we have no idea how to do it with LPG. Everyone encounters this question on a daily basis. Is there a way to conserve LPG for cooking? There is, and it's not particularly complicated. Your cooking style only needs a few little tweaks here and there to work. To learn some crucial advice on how to conserve household LPG, scroll down.
It is well known that the cost of food has climbed significantly in recent months along with the price of cooking gas, making life difficult for a large number of people. For the typical Nigerian household, cooking gas has turned into a luxury good. Bravo if you still have the means to fill yours to the brim! You don't come across people who can easily and comfortably fill up their gas cylinders every day. Every residence is frantically looking for ways to adapt to this change and extend the gas supply. On a more positive side, we have developed useful advice that will lessen how frequently you visit the petrol station. We have heard the word "savings" so frequently that we are accustomed to it. Many things can be saved, but we have no idea how to do it with LPG. Everyone encounters this question on a daily basis. Is there a way to conserve LPG for cooking? There is, and it's not particularly complicated. Your cooking style only needs a few little tweaks here and there to work. To learn some crucial advice on how to conserve household LPG, scroll down.
A typical LPG cooking system consists of an LPG-filled steel cylinder, a pressure controller, a tube connecting the cylinder to the pressure controller and the burner, and the burner itself. You could be willing to go days without a phone or internet connection. Mobile phones and internet cafés more than compensate, but not being able to prepare a meal for yourself (and your family) feels like a major financial drain, not to mention unhealthy. LPG is preferred by Africans because it is clean, simple to use, rapid, and cost-effective. Individuals can get LPG at subsidised prices from the government. LPG is simple to use, with on/off activation as soon as you rotate the knob. Cooking with fake LPG equipment may not only irritate you but also cause a waste of gas. What's more!! Untimely gas equipment replacement can be inconvenient and even turn you off to the gas equipment. This is true if you have not yet had the opportunity to purchase gas LPG equipment from Kiakiagas, an LPG and gas equipment firm linked with international gas equipment manufacturers. Casper is one of the linked American companies. Kiakiagas also offers better advice on how to control your gas equipment when you cook as you can regulate the flames as per requirements. With Kiakiagas, yes, the intensity of flame is totally in your hands and it is noticeable in the form of cerulean flames. Kiakiagas LPG equipment can cook quicker than any other available alternatives as it has huge calorific value.
Cooking with LPG is not a hot and humid experience, as stoves produce far less heat than other cooking gases; as a result, we recommend not overheating your kitchen. LPG emits the least amount of greenhouse gases of any existing fossil fuel. It has significantly less nitrogen, sulphur, and other particle chemicals that are harmful to the environment. Because an LPG cylinder doesn't take up much space in the kitchen, it's easy to keep one on hand. It's not like traditional cooking techniques such as wood, charcoal, or kerosene oil, which produce dense puffs of smoke, soot, and residue.
The usable energy value of one kilogramme of LPG is 20.7 MJ/kg. Air-dried firewood has an energy level of roughly 16 MJ/kg, while charcoal has a content of 27 - 33 MJ/kg. To supply the same amount of useable cooking energy as 1 kg of LPG, between 7.3 and 29.7kg of woodfuel would be required, depending on the type of woodfuel, charcoal generation, and cook stove. Because LPG is heavier than air (for example, propane is 1.5 times heavier than air), it can accumulate above ground. This could result in LPG 'lakes,' which could produce explosions. To aid detect leaks and so limit the risk of explosion, a foul-smelling odorant is added.
There are a few things you can do to extend the life of your cooking gas given the current rise in gas prices. By carrying them out, you will finally reduce your monthly gas costs and generate significant savings. Below are the effective tips on how to save your cooking gas:
Prior to cooking, have all of your items ready to go. Before you turn on the stove, make sure everything is chopped, skinned, thawed, seasoned, marinated, and basted. In this manner, you can finish preparing the various parts of your dinner without consuming any gas. Particularly large drains can result from boiling water. Before adding anything to their boiling water, many people frequently wait an excessively long time.
Turn down the heat as much as you can. When they need to heat anything up, some cooks have a nasty tendency of turning the burner all the way up. Instead, make an effort to just use as much heat as is required to fully reheat or cook your food. When cooking gas is burned, a flame is created, and the flame generates heat energy. The heat generated by the flame increases as more gas is burned, and vice versa. A cooking pot's temperature rises as a result of its contents absorbing the heat, which cooks the meal. The speed of cooking increases with the temperature in a cooking pot. It is important to keep in mind that once a liquid in a cooking pot reaches its boiling point, additional heating and gas combustion will not raise the temperature of the contents of the pot or cause the contents to cook more quickly until all the liquid has evaporated. Therefore, the key is to keep the heat at the lowest level necessary to keep the water boiling. Anything above the bare minimum needed temperature will be useless. For instance, water boils at 212 °F (100 °C). The cooktop won't get any hotter once it reaches boiling if you keep it running at full blast; instead, you'll burn up more gas. Always adhere to the directions to the letter while preparing food from a recipe. Most recipes state how much heat to use.
A complete flame-covering pot or pan should be used. It indicates an overheated stove if you can see the flames licking the pan's sides. Some gas cookers contain many burners of various diameters for a reason. Use the largest burner when cooking with a large pot, and the smallest burner when cooking with a tiny pot. In this manner, the amount of gas burned will match the burner's size. The use of tiny pots on a large burner is a waste of cooking gas. Once the flames are contained to the pan's bottom surface, reduce the temperature. Otherwise, their heat will radiate outside the container. Use only flat-bottomed cookware for the best results. With these components, the entire heating surface will always be in close proximity to the flames. Choose a burner that is smaller than the pot or pan you are using if your stove has many burners of various sizes to make sure it isn't emitting too much heat.
To make sure your stove's burners are operating correctly, keep them clean. Make sure your burners are off and cool to the touch before cleaning them. After that, take off the safety grates and use a moist paper towel to clear any remaining residue. Finally, use soapy water to thoroughly scrub the area surrounding the burners to remove all residue. Your gas stove's flames should have a vivid blue color as they burn. Flames that are yellow or orange may indicate incomplete combustion, which indicates that the gas in the lines isn't being utilized to its fullest extent. If cleaning the burners doesn't fix the issue we, at Kiakiagas, are at your service just give us a call to come take a look at it and replace it if necessary.
Look for any possible leaks. Pay particular attention to any odd odors or light hissing noises coming from the area near your stove. These signs of a leak may be present. Even while you are not cooking, you will be losing gas if your stove has a damaged gas line. The simplest approach to check for a leak on your own is to pull out the stove sufficiently to reach the gas line, then use a cotton swab to clean the fittings with soapy water. A leak has been discovered if one of them starts to bubble. Leaks should be repaired right away because they might seriously jeopardize public safety. Regularly inspect and service the regulator as well as check the pipes or hoses for blockages and leaks to ensure safety and maximize your cooking gas. Always make sure to turn off the regulator after cooking to prevent waste.
Purchase dependable cookware. Due to their high conductivity, materials like copper, stainless steel, and are able to heat up more quickly and disperse heat more uniformly. Similar to cast iron, ceramic cookware does an excellent job of holding heat for a longer period of time, so you won't need to keep the stove on to simmer sauces or keep prepared meals warm. Cookware made of stainless steel or ceramic is typically more expensive, but when you factor in how much money you'll save each month, it virtually pays for itself. In contrast to conventional cooking pots, which only heat food to about 100 degrees Celsius, pressure cookers heat food to about 125 degrees Celsius, which helps the food cook more quickly and cut down on cooking time and gas usage.
Keep your cooking utensils in good shape. Take care when handling your pots and pans to avoid dings, dents, and scratches. While rough surfaces struggle to absorb heat and may even reject it, smooth surfaces do so with ease. Working with battered cookware also carries the risk that over time, chemical seasoning ingredients may start to flake off and enter your meal, introducing potentially dangerous substances. In nonstick pans, always use plastic utensils, and make careful to clean them with soft sponges as opposed to steel wool or other abrasives. While cooking, covering the pan prevents steam from escaping and speeds up the cooking process. Additionally, because the heat energy is utilized more effectively, cooking time is decreased.
When you can, cover your pots and pans. Open cookware allows for the rapid loss of heat. By capturing that heat, you may drastically reduce the amount of time you spend cooking while also preventing the kitchen from turning uncomfortable hot as you prepare dinner. Remember that vapor contains heat as well. You definitely used too much water in the beginning if your cuisine requires letting merely to reach the proper consistency. Additionally, foods are less prone to become overly dry when covered while simmering.
Do not overcook your food. When a dish or ingredient is done cooking, switch off the heat source and place the item aside to cool. This is based on a straightforward principle: the longer the food stays on the stove, the more gas you'll need. Set a timer and watch your meal carefully as it cooks so you can turn off the heat as soon as it's finished. More practical alternatives to using the stove to keep food warm include transferring it to a cooking bag or just covering it with a lid.
Now that you've effectively learned how to save your cooking gas in everyday life, consider making it a practical habit whenever you wan to use LPG. Don’t forget to purchase your LPG from a reputable supplier like Kiakiagas Nigeria Limited to receive the most cost savings.
KiakiaGas Limited is a leading Gas business in Lagos, Nigeria with expertise in carrying out feasibility study/Business plan on all forms of gas, including oxygen and other non-natural gas and LPG retailing, New Gas Market development, Building of Gas Plants and Gas strategy advisory. Supply by KiakiaGas provides LPG and Non LPG Gasses products and equipment for corporate and institutional clients for the project and operational needs. If you need a partner with hands-on local expertise in the Nigerian Gas space or any of our bespoke solutions/services, kindly mail to learn learn more.